The Mirror of Laman28

(In response to his provocative insults)

◆ Skill A: The Say Shit Master (说“史”大师)

Whatever you say, he often say shit or HolyShit in response.

◆ Skill B: The Abbreviation Master (缩写大师)

To make fun of others, he often uses abbreviations that browsers can't find to satirize others, and mocks others for using browser translation.

◆ Skill C: Lack of the Aware of Law (缺乏法律意识)

He often misleads others by spreading rumors, show he think that the law is useless.

◆ Skill D: Making Network violence (制造网络暴力)

He often insults others in order to seek fun from others.

◆ Skill E: The Phishing Master (钓鱼大师)

Using someone to illegally phish. For example, He let people to phish me and he wrote, "Someone asked for testing their own website pressure, and they even need wrote a guarantee". I mean, it is none of his business.

◆ Skill F: Malicious Revenge (恶意报复)

Dismantling organizations illegally by using their position in the organization, and stealing the keys of others on the server to disband more organizations illegally

◆ Skill G: The Master of Changing Name (改名大神)

Try to change QQ nicknames to insults others to attract attention